JCC Community Education

Jackson County Central Schools

PO Box 119

Jackson, MN  56143

Telephone (507) 847-6627  Fax (507) 847-3078


Opportunity Fund Scholarship Application


Goal: Ensure that all children who want to participate in community learning activities are able to participate regardless of financial ability. 


Applicant Name:  ________________________________ Age: _____  Grade: ____  Sex:  M   F


Address:__________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________


Parent(s) or Guardian:_________________________________  Phone: (H) __________ (W) __________


Address (if different):__________________________________________________


Referral (if applicable) by: ___________________________________ Phone: _________________


Background Information:

Jackson County School District Resident:  Yes    No                    Open Enrolled:   Yes    No

Number in Household: ________    Financial Need Indicated:  Yes    No

                (FREE or REDUCED School Lunch Application or Income Tax records may be requested)


Developmental Need (Please specify): _______________________________________________________



Other Circumstanced for Need (Please specify):________________________________________________



Describe Activity Cost Requested: __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Amount you can pay:______________        


_____________________________________          ______________________________________

Participant Signature                                                           Parent/Guardian Signature


 This fund has been established through the generous donations from local service club organizations.

The board will determine eligibility and their will be a limit of funds available per household.


OFFICE USE ONLY: Total fee sponsored:___________________________                                                    Approx. Hours of Activity Provided: ___________

Skills/Assets Addressed by Activity:_______________________________________________________________